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똥먹기 클럽
회장 : 랜구
회원 : 다베
이외 : 내장

this website is under construction!

This webpage is a small place to prove the friendship of three girls! All images are prohibited from being saved.

웹사이트 공사중입니다...

Yes, there are three owners of this website! The webmaster is viscera. We are three girls with different aesthetics and everyone helped create this website a little bit. (Except for Dabe. She just... cheered.)

We don't have anything similar in common except that we love OC. But we are close friends, and that won't change in the future! If our friendship breaks down, the website will disappear, too.

Please do not save all the images on this website!! The copyright of all the paintings is with the artist who drew them. We do not give the person who sees the paintings the right to use them. Unfortunately, we have been suffering from unauthorized upload problems. Please do not upload the pictures here to other sites such as Pinterest. Do not save them, either. Our OC cannot be yours. Create one.

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